Saturday, December 4, 2010

I've Maxed Out My Card

My library card, that is. I officially have forty books out---three audiobooks (Don Quixote, The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society, Italian the Fast and Easy Way), and 37 other books.

I'm the type of person who reads a dozen books at a time, enjoying bits and pieces. I might read a portion of a romantic comedy, then switch to the autobiography of a man who decided to read every word of the encyclopedia. I read book for work: "Nutrition Nibbles" on healthy meals and snacks, and books on early childhood education. I also read British romances ("The Little Lady Agency", "Confessions of a Shopaholic", and others). I read a classic a month (often as a book on tape on my way to and from work.

What are your favorite books?

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