Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Crazy Interview Tactics

"Who was your worst boss and why?" "What is one mistake that you made that you won't make again?" These are just two choice excerpts from a very interesting AmeriCorps telephone interview that I had last month.

Somehow I don't think they were expecting my Guatemala worst boss story.

How can you sum up in a few short, appropriate sentences a boss who refused to pay you and was unable to back you up when your student sexually harasses you? I know I should have just stuck to the whole, "Well, I once had a boss in Guatemala who refused to pay me my full wages" story, but that would have been just too simple. No, I had to elaborate.

At the very least, interviews with AmeriCorps are never dull. Whether it is a telephone interview with three supervisors on speakerphone, or strange horror story questions, there is never a dull moment.

What was your worst interview question?

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