Monday, February 22, 2010

Gifts That Give More

I recently discovered the joy of donating money to causes. I love giving through The Hunger Site. I'm able to pick a specific cause, and know exactly how my money makes a difference. Twenty dollars can fund a fuel efficient stove for refugees in Darfur. In addition to being better for the environment, women have to go on dangerous fuel-gathering missions less often. Seventeen dollars allows a schoolchild in Guatemala to attend school for one year, paying her school fees and tuition.

Eleven dollars provides one month of care for a patient in Africa with HIV. Alternatively, you can pay a nurse midwife's salary for one week for $25, or cover the cose of a prosthesis for a land mine victim in the developing world for $20.

It's a terrific concept---you can see exactly how your donation helps others, rather than just giving $20 to an organization, to be used for an unnamed purpose.

So check out The Hunger Site's Gifts That Give More!

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